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An Interview with Nectar Craft Founder, Andrew Sorkin

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An Interview with Nectar Craft Founder, Andrew Sorkin

2 minute read

Nectar Craft is an industry leader, who focusses on creating the most pure, clean form of cannabis oil. We recently sat down with Nectar Craft Founder, Andrew Sorkin to discuss legal cannabis, their process and how they got started.

Tell us about the history of Nectar Craft? The first time I used a vape pen was at a music festival where there were no fires or smoking allowed.  I bought a plastic vape pen with hash oil cut with glycol, took a hit and blew out this strange cloud which tasted like plastic and weed, and got me a little stoned. In that moment, I could see an almost science fiction utopian future of clean, technologically advanced drugs.   I couldn’t find the quality of oil or vape hardware  I was looking for, so I set out to make my own.  Quickly I realized there was a hole in the market and no “high end” vape pens existed that were prefilled with cannabis oil, and thus, the search for a perfect vape pen began, and Nectar Craft Oils was born.

What is your mission? We craft delicious, healthy, and innovative cannbis products for people who want the best for their bodies and the environment.

What drew you to the cannabis industry? I love cognitive liberty and cannabis.  It’s rare to have such an amazing opportunity to influence the way our culture views consumption and plants in an emerging industry with no established brands, winners, or true barriers to entry. We get to make history every day just by going to work.

What makes you different from other cannbis companies? We aren’t afraid to dig
into our margins to create the best experience for the end user.  Whether it’s the components
of our hardware, the carefully crafted oil, or the sustainable and beautiful packaging – we cut no corners to deliver the finest products in WA.

Tell us about your process. All of our oil starts with the finest cannabis from our partner farms that grow using organic methodologies. We process it with a mix of proprietary super and subcritical COextraction that preserves that strains terpene (flavor) profile and triple filter out all the impurities. What you are left with is a pure, smooth oil where you taste and experience the plant, and not the burn.

What inspires you most about the cannabis industry?  Its like the internet in 1994 or the end of prohibition… the possibilities are endless and we are connecting the world in a new way.  That feeling of being on the cutting edge of creating something new provides a sense of camaraderie that is rare in more established industries I’ve participated in.

We’re proud to carry Nectar Craft cannabis oils in our Vancouver Washington weed store.